International Plastics News for Asia

SPE to hold new technical conference in Asia

A piece of good news from Robert Martino today.

The Society of Plastics Engineers (SPE) in North America is holding the first ASIATEC conference next year (15-17 February to be exact) at the Big Sight exhibition center in Tokyo, Japan.

Like the well-known ANTEC, ASIATEC will consist of many original, peer-reviewed presentations on cutting-edge technologies in a wide range of industry sectors. Check out this link to the Plastics and Rubber zone for details on the topics and for those who are interested to submit their papers.

The holding of ASIATEC will enable the growing number of plastics industry professionals in Asia to have access to the information-packed seminars conducted by SPE. Moreover, it will definitely enhance networking among professionals in various parts of the world for the benefits of those engaged in the plastics industry.